Even though your going through the roughest time of your life, you can still find love!!

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

      In the beginning of The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel Grace was diagnosed with cancer as a little kid, her lungs got filled up with water but she got through it because the antibiotics worked.  Her mother thought she was depressed because she barely ate, she read the same book over and over again, and she barely went out so the doctor recommended a support group. When she attended the support group she met this boy, Augustus Waters, they talked after the support group meeting and he invited her for a movie. Hazel was impressed with all Augustus's trophies but deep down inside of Augustus he hated basketball. After a few weeks of them hanging out Augustus says he has a crush on hazel. While she was sleep, she awakened because she had liquids in her lungs again and that prevented oxygen to get into her, she was also planning to go to Amsterdam but that happened. Hazel told Augustus that they cant take what they are any further because she's going to explode on day and she's scared she's going to break his heart, so she just wants to stay as friends but Augustus doesn't. Her mother surprises her by telling her that they're going to Amsterdam with Augustus. While hazel was at the airport, this little girl asks her whats that in her nose and Hazel says that she gets oxygen from the tube and she lets the little girl put it on. When their in Amsterdam they finally get to meet their favorite author they wanted answers from but they realize he's a alcoholic and he's rude to them both. After they're meeting with the author, his wife comes outside and says sorry to Hazel and Augustus, she takes them to the Anne Frank house and when they finally made it up all those stairs Hazel and Augustus kiss FINALLY! Later that night, him and her goes to his place and ends up having sex, Hazel took his virginity. The next morning, he told her his cancer is back and they're both sad and crying. When they get back home Augustus friend is going to throw eggs at his ex, Monica's, house with Augustus and Hazel. That night, Augustus calls Hazel in the middle of the night saying he's at a gas station and she rushes over there, when she gets there she see's that his stomach is infected so she calls a ambulance. The next day, Augustus is out the hospital and later that night he wants Hazel to go to the church, but before she leaves she has a argument with her parents about when she's dies. When Hazel arrives to the church Augustus wants a pre-funeral for he can be there himself. Augustus died 8 days later in the ICU, the crying was unbearable for Hazel. At his funeral the rude author gave a letter to Hazel, Augustus wrote it before he died. Hazel just lays on the grass and reads the letter, when she's finished she says okay because that his and her forever.




This text is connected to me because I love reading love stories but it also makes me sad. This is text to text because the author of the book had to be going through something to get the idea to write this book. This is text to world because a lot of people have cancer and are dying and its sad seeing people die especially if y'all are really close.




YES, I would recommend this book to anyone that love romance and sad books. This book started out as friends, then romance, then sadness. Also I would rate this book a 10 because I just really love this book, it made me cry that's how sad it was at the ending.